What is Autism?
Autism is an increasingly more common genetic-based neurological condition for which there is no fix or cure. In 1950, one individual out of 500,000 people were thought to be autistic. In 2019, thanks to better diagnostic tools and a greater understanding of the condition, the rate has increased to 1 out of every 40! With this dramatic increase, autism is a condition we need to understand and accept in our society.
You may not think you know anyone who is autistic, but odds are, you do.
The gentleman you see on the bus who hums to himself every day – may be autistic. The incredible dancer you saw last weekend at the ballet – may be autistic. The brilliant computer programmer who just joined your team – she may be autistic. The teacher in your children’s English class, the one who reads stories and takes on the voices and personae of each character – may be autistic. Your child’s best friend since preschool – they too may be autistic.
Our Perspective is Unique
Dr. Richard Williams and Jeffrey Freed have partnered to bring you new perspectives and the latest research on autism science, as well as helpful advice about navigating life on the spectrum, for you, a family member or your child. If one were to count the presence of autistic traits as being on the autistic spectrum, the spectrum might include as much as 20% of the population!
The team of Dr. Williams, a retired university professor and researcher of molecular genetics and microbiology, and a former World Health Organization-affiliated researcher; and best-selling author and nationally-known autism expert Jeffrey Freed, believe that every individual is endowed with gifts – they simply need to be discovered, nurtured and encouraged. Dr. Williams and Mr. Freed are convinced from their work, their research, and their own experiences that autism is, in some ways, a misunderstood blessing. Many incredibly talented and famous people throughout history have autistic traits and tendancies. Albert Einstein (scientist), Andy Warhol (painter and artist), Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft), Susan Boyle (British singer) and many others have all made profound contributions to our world, and you can too!
“Autism is usually a misunderstood blessing.”
Dr. Richard Williams, PhD & Mr. Jeffrey Freed, MAT
Many Reasons for Optimism
The purpose of this website is not to diagnose autism but to help and inform those who have received this diagnosis understand how they and their loved ones can move forward and live full and productive lives.
The stereotype of the disconnected, nonverbal and seemingly unreachable autistic child is a reality for only a small slice of the 1.85 million autistic children today. For the vast majority of those on the spectrum, the prospects for enormous growth and achievement are high and attainable. Much of that begins by looking at the strengths, not weaknesses, of the autistic individual; strengths that often include prodigious intellectual capabilities.
How can those on the autism spectrum reach their true potential? Their friends and loved ones can help, by identifying what they love to do and assist as they develop those skills and nurture those talents. The goal of All Ways Autistic is to provide new information that is not generally understandable to the public due to scientific terminology and complex analysis.
and it is the responsibility of those around them to help identify, develop and enhance those gifts.
Years of personal experiences, paired with countless hours of reviewing the autobiographical and scientific literature led to the creation of this resource. We will add information on a regular basis so subscribe to our email list and return to the site often!