Our blog and video posts will cover many of the interesting topics that fall under the large rubric of autism. We want to help anyone interested to appreciate the complexity of the condition and to assist all who are curious or want to know more. We will draw from our own experiences as a parent and as a counselor to those on the spectrum. We will write and talk about the changing medical sciences surrounding autism by drawing from the professional literature. These blogs and videos represent our opinions and reviews of the medical literature. None of what we write is meant to take the place of professional practitioners.

Reddit AMA February 25, 2021
Autism Researcher and Father of Autistic Daughter AMA – February 25, 1:30pm MST Let’s Get Going! My name is Dr. Richard Williams. I am a

Eye Contact and the Autisic Child
Written by Dr. Richard O. Williams “Proper” eye contact is one of the most significant and sensitive aspects of interpersonal communication in western cultures. Next

Home Schooling Autistic Students During Covid-19
Home Schooling Autistic Students During Covid-19 Written by Dr. Richard O. Williams. The viral outbreak of 2020 has brought profound changes to our daily lives,

Genetics & the Origin of Autism
Genetics & the Origin of Autism Written by Dr. Richard O. Williams “The ultimate hack for a team of Silicon Valley Programmers might turn out

Autism and Homework or Homeschooling – Video
Autism and Homework or Homeschooling -Video Homeschooling can be especially difficult for individuals on the Autism Spectrum. Parents and guides may need to try a

Autism and Visual Thinking – Video
People on the autism spectrum often think in pictures. But what does this really means and how does it impact them on a daily basis?

Autism and Sensitivities – Video
Autism & Sensitivities – Video Taking a look at the relationship of physical sensitivity for those on the spectrum. Loud noises, bright lights and rough

Young Women and Autism
Young Women and Autism Written by Dr. Richard O. Williams The blog below is my second on the topic of autistic girls and women. To

Autism and Anxiety – Video
Autism and Anxiety – Video Anxiety is very real, especially for individuals on the autism spectrum. Jeffrey Freed has some very helpful insight and tips

Young Girls and Autism
Young Girls and Autism Written by Dr. Richard O. Wiliams Ask anyone who knows a little about autism who is more likely to be autistic,