Noi's Notes
“As many of you know, autism has such a deep-rooted place in my heart because of my daughter Noi. Noi has kindly agreed to share some of her stories and memories. Here I will refer to them as “Noi’s notes.” I hope they leave you all with a better insight into the wonderful autistic world.” Dr. Richard Williams
Noi is the adult daughter of Dr. Richard WIlliams. Her autism diagnosis inspired Dr. Williams and his wife Sally to become experts on the condition so they could best advocate for Noi and help her reach her full potential. Dr. William’s expertise and training as a research scientist drove him to want to understand autism from a medical, clinical, scientific ad personal level.
Noi’s experices helped Dr. Wiliams understand how women and girls experience autism very differently than boys and men. The diagnisos process is different, the social impact is different and then life impact is different.
Noi is now a very successful artist living her dream while she captures the beauty of the nature world around her!

Noi’s Story – My Best Friend
Written by Dr. Richard O. Williams‘ daughter Noi Williams I will always remember meeting Lauren, my very best friend from middle school. The school cafeteria

Noi’s Story
Noi’s Story Written by Dr. Richard O. Williams Dr. Richard Williams’ daughter Noi is autistic, and understanding her and how she thinks has motivated him