
Reddit AMA February 25, 2021

Autism Researcher and Father of Autistic Daughter AMA – February 25, 1:30pm MST Let’s Get Going! My name is Dr. Richard Williams. I am a molecular biologist by training. Along with my wife Sally, I began my prolific research into autism in order to better understand and advocate for our daughter. I bring years of […]

Eye Contact and the Autisic Child

Written by Dr. Richard O. Williams “Proper” eye contact is one of the most significant and sensitive aspects of interpersonal communication in western cultures. Next to the ability to carry on a fluid social conversation, eye contact with the speaker is one of the crucial elements required for the perception of social “normalcy.” Too much […]

Home Schooling Autistic Students During Covid-19

Home Schooling Autistic Students During Covid-19 Written by Dr. Richard O. Williams. The viral outbreak of 2020 has brought profound changes to our daily lives, including the almost universal lockdown of schools, forcing most parents to homeschool their children. Even if some schools do reopen this coming fall, many others will not. Additionally, many parents […]

Genetics & the Origin of Autism

Genetics & the Origin of Autism Written by Dr. Richard O. Williams “The ultimate hack for a team of Silicon Valley Programmers might turn out to be cracking the genetic code that makes them so good at what they do.” Steve Silberman, Wired Magazine in 2001 Neurodiversity was initially applied to autistic individuals. The idea […]

Autism and Homework or Homeschooling – Video

Autism and Homework or Homeschooling -Video Homeschooling can be especially difficult for individuals on the Autism Spectrum. Parents and guides may need to try a different approach to make this time educational and not a battle. Please note, this video was produced prior to the current homeschooling situation we face but it is very applicable […]

Autism and Sensitivities – Video

Autism & Sensitivities – Video Taking a look at the relationship of physical sensitivity for those on the spectrum. Loud noises, bright lights and rough clothing are often exaggerated for those on the autism spectrum. But how can you help them manage? Sign up to receive news and updates. Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin

Young Women and Autism

Young Women and Autism Written by Dr. Richard O. Williams The blog below is my second on the topic of autistic girls and women. To read the first blog on this topic, click here. My keen interest in this subject stems from raising my daughter, who was very lucky to be diagnosed at an early […]

Autism and Anxiety – Video

Autism and Anxiety – Video Anxiety is very real, especially for individuals on the autism spectrum. Jeffrey Freed has some very helpful insight and tips to help manage anxiety. Sign up to receive news and updates. Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin

Young Girls and Autism

Young Girls and Autism Written by Dr. Richard O. Wiliams Ask anyone who knows a little about autism who is more likely to be autistic, boy or girls, and most will say boys. Current diagnostic statistics seem to bear this out, as the present ratio of boys to girls diagnosed with autism is 4 to […]